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- /* DrawCommand.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "DrawCommand.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #define BORDER (3)
- /* draw a command with no parameters. the string is null terminated */
- OrdType DrawCommandNoParams(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw,
- MyBoolean GreyedOut, char* String)
- {
- OrdType StrWidth;
- long StrLength;
- ERROR(String == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DrawCommandNoParams: NIL string"));
- StrLength = StrLen(String);
- StrWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,String,StrLength,ePlain);
- if (ActuallyDraw)
- {
- OrdType FontHeight;
- FontHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,FontSize);
- DrawBoxFrame(Window,eBlack,X,Y,StrWidth + 2 * BORDER,FontHeight + 2 * BORDER);
- DrawBoxErase(Window,X + 1,Y + 1,StrWidth + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1,
- FontHeight + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1);
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,String,StrLength,X + BORDER,Y + BORDER,ePlain);
- }
- return StrWidth + 2 * BORDER;
- }
- /* draw a command with one parameter. first string is null terminated and not */
- /* disposed, but the second string is a non-null-terminated heap block which is */
- /* disposed. if the second one is NIL, then it is ignored */
- OrdType DrawCommand1Param(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw,
- MyBoolean GreyedOut, char* String, char* Argument1)
- {
- OrdType TotalWidth;
- long FirstLength;
- long SecondLength;
- ERROR(String == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DrawCommand1Param: NIL string"));
- FirstLength = StrLen(String);
- TotalWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,ePlain);
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- OrdType OtherWidth;
- SecondLength = PtrSize(Argument1);
- OtherWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,Argument1,SecondLength,ePlain);
- if (OtherWidth > TotalWidth)
- {
- TotalWidth = OtherWidth;
- }
- }
- if (ActuallyDraw)
- {
- OrdType FontHeight;
- FontHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,FontSize);
- DrawBoxFrame(Window,eBlack,X,Y,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER,
- 2 * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER);
- DrawBoxErase(Window,X + 1,Y + 1,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1,
- 2 * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1);
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,
- X + BORDER,Y + BORDER,ePlain);
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,Argument1,SecondLength,X + BORDER,
- Y + BORDER + FontHeight,ePlain);
- }
- }
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(Argument1);
- }
- return TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER;
- }
- /* draw a command with 2 parameters */
- OrdType DrawCommand2Params(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw,
- MyBoolean GreyedOut, char* String, char* Argument1,
- char* Argument2)
- {
- OrdType TotalWidth;
- long FirstLength;
- long SecondLength;
- long ThirdLength;
- ERROR(String == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DrawCommand2Params: NIL string"));
- FirstLength = StrLen(String);
- TotalWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,ePlain);
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- OrdType OtherWidth;
- SecondLength = PtrSize(Argument1);
- OtherWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,Argument1,SecondLength,ePlain);
- if (OtherWidth > TotalWidth)
- {
- TotalWidth = OtherWidth;
- }
- }
- if (Argument2 != NIL)
- {
- OrdType OtherWidth;
- ThirdLength = PtrSize(Argument2);
- OtherWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,Argument2,ThirdLength,ePlain);
- if (OtherWidth > TotalWidth)
- {
- TotalWidth = OtherWidth;
- }
- }
- if (ActuallyDraw)
- {
- OrdType FontHeight;
- FontHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,FontSize);
- DrawBoxFrame(Window,eBlack,X,Y,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER,
- 3 * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER);
- DrawBoxErase(Window,X + 1,Y + 1,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1,
- 3 * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1);
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,X + BORDER,
- Y + BORDER,ePlain);
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,Argument1,SecondLength,X + BORDER,
- Y + BORDER + FontHeight,ePlain);
- }
- if (Argument2 != NIL)
- {
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,Argument2,ThirdLength,X + BORDER,
- Y + BORDER + 2 * FontHeight,ePlain);
- }
- }
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(Argument1);
- }
- if (Argument2 != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(Argument2);
- }
- return TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER;
- }
- /* draw a command that has one parameter, but has line feeds in it. */
- /* first string is null terminated and not disposed, but the second string is */
- /* a non-null-terminated heap block which is disposed. if the second one is NIL, */
- /* then it is ignored */
- OrdType DrawCommand1ParamWithLineFeeds(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw,
- MyBoolean GreyedOut, char* String, char* Argument1)
- {
- OrdType TotalWidth;
- long FirstLength;
- long SecondLength;
- long NumberOfLines;
- ERROR(String == NIL,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DrawCommand1ParamWithLineFeeds: NIL string"));
- FirstLength = StrLen(String);
- TotalWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,ePlain);
- NumberOfLines = 1;
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- long CharScan;
- SecondLength = PtrSize(Argument1);
- CharScan = 0;
- while (CharScan < SecondLength)
- {
- OrdType OtherWidth;
- long StartIndex;
- StartIndex = CharScan;
- while ((Argument1[CharScan] != '\x0d')
- && (Argument1[CharScan] != '\x0a') && (CharScan < SecondLength))
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- }
- OtherWidth = LengthOfText(Font,FontSize,&(Argument1[StartIndex]),
- CharScan - StartIndex,ePlain);
- if (OtherWidth > TotalWidth)
- {
- TotalWidth = OtherWidth;
- }
- if (CharScan < SecondLength)
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- }
- NumberOfLines += 1;
- }
- }
- if (ActuallyDraw)
- {
- OrdType FontHeight;
- FontHeight = GetFontHeight(Font,FontSize);
- DrawBoxFrame(Window,eBlack,X,Y,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER,
- NumberOfLines * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER);
- DrawBoxErase(Window,X + 1,Y + 1,TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1,
- NumberOfLines * FontHeight + 2 * BORDER - 1 - 1);
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,String,FirstLength,
- X + BORDER,Y + BORDER,ePlain);
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- long CharScan;
- long LineCount;
- CharScan = 0;
- LineCount = 1;
- while (CharScan < SecondLength)
- {
- long StartIndex;
- StartIndex = CharScan;
- while ((Argument1[CharScan] != '\x0d')
- && (Argument1[CharScan] != '\x0a') && (CharScan < SecondLength))
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- }
- DrawTextLine(Window,Font,FontSize,&(Argument1[StartIndex]),
- CharScan - StartIndex,X + BORDER,Y + BORDER + FontHeight * LineCount,
- ePlain);
- if (CharScan < SecondLength)
- {
- CharScan += 1;
- }
- LineCount += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (Argument1 != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(Argument1);
- }
- return TotalWidth + 2 * BORDER;
- }